PG247 - CRIBBING BLOCK - BLACK - 4" X 4" X 18"
SKU: AME-15210
MPN: 15210
- SKU#:
- AME-15210
- UPC:
- stock-edmonton:
- 0
- stock-montreal:
- 0
- stock-mississauga:
- 0
- Dropship Item:
- False
- LTL - Freight Extra:
- False
- less-than-truckload:
- false
- Special Order Items:
- False
- While Quantities Last:
- False
Features & Benefits
- Certified and Tested
- Multiple sizes, shapes fit most applications
- Interlocking or aggressive non-slip surface
- Non-conducting plastic resists oil and most chemicals
- Does not splinter, like wood
- Made in America